
Monday, January 7, 2013

31 Day Challenge - Day 7: Ombre or Skittle

     Happy Monday all!  Did you all enjoy your weekend?  Mine wasn't long enough.  One day off is never easy.  I never seem to have enough time to get everything done.  Oh well.  At least I managed to get my nails done!  Today's prompt is to do an ombre or a skittle mani.  For those of you that don't know, an ombre mani features one color, but in different shades. I wish I had picked the color that is on my thumb, started with it at its darkest shade and gradually added white with each nail.  Had I done that, this probably would have turned out much better.  A skittle mani is basically like a bag of skittles with a different color (not necessarily skittle colors) on each nail.  I'm super bummed that you can't see the difference in the picture between my middle and pointer finger, but I promise, there is a difference.  I also thought I was going with creme colors and didn't realize one I added the top coat onto Phoebe (a matte finish) that it would have a shimmer to it.  

Base coat: Pro FX Fiberized Ridge Filler
Pinky: Vintage Blue from Avon - 2 coats
Ring: Phoebe from Zoya - 2 coats
Middle: Blue Me Away! From Sally Hansen - 2 coats
Pointer: Why not from Sinful Colors - 2 coats
Thumb: Textured Teal from Avon - 2 coats
Top coat: Seche Vite

Well, it isn't too bad for my first ombre.  I always thought those ombre kits that they sold were kinda silly, but now I may have to go buy one.  :-)


  1. Beautiful blues! Phoebe is a favorite of mine! :)

    1. Thank you. I love wearing Phoebe either way.

  2. Great choices. I would love to do this type of look but it takes the right shades that go together. You picked the perfect shades!

    1. Thank you! I had a hard time picking them out. I took out every blue I owned and played around with them for a long time.
