
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sally Hansen Celeb City Swatches and Stamping With Mash 41

     Hello everyone!  Did you miss me?  I just worked an 80 hour week so I was unable to post to my blog, let alone paint my nails.  I did end up being able to try the Sally Hansen Nail Wraps though.  There will be a post on those later this week.
I have never been more excited to paint my nails!  My addiction has become clearer to me...
     Todays challenge in the Facebook group Adventures In Stamping was to stamp involving silver, gold, and bronze.  Celeb City has been in my stash since before my addiction began.  Meaning, it is a few years old, and it still applies like a dream!  I have always loved this color.  I think I bought it because I saw a soap operah star wearing a silver color and loved it.

Base coat: Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Hardener
Base color: Celeb City By Sally Hansen Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear
Top coat: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Anti-Chip Top Coat
Stamping color: Let's Talk by Sinful Colors
Stamping plate: Mash 41

Taken in direct sunlight

Taken in indirect sunlight

Inside without flash

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